Early Reading Behaviours in Children - The Children's Place

Posted by | November 15, 2021 | Updates | No Comments

Reading is an important skill for all. This can start early and here are some fun tips and tricks to have your children enjoying early literacy.

  1. Let kids pick out their own books

Motivation for reading starts by book choice for young readers. Let your children pick out the books that catch their eyes in the bookstore or library.

2. Set goals and reward reading

You can reward reading with more reading, getting the next book in your child’s favorite series can be a great motivator to get through one book. You can also intrigue them with a little treat at the end of a couple chapters

3. Make reading together fun and memorable

It’s not what you read but how you read it. Making funny voices can make big impressions on young children. By giving children an experience that they will remember and cherish parents are able to convey important positive impressions about reading.

4. Create loving associations with books and reading

Reading together is a time for cuddles and being close. Showing children that reading can be a comfortable and relaxing time can enable them to want to read more.

Here is an educational video about the benefits to read to young children:

The importance of reading to your children – YouTube

Once your children are in the early stages of reading you may find this poster helpful:

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